Brief Information About Licensed Practical And Licensed Vocational Nurses
There is more or less no difference between Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) other than which term is being used in different states. Licensed practical nurses, also called licensed vocational nurses in Texas and California, perform simple procedures under the guidance of registered nurses (RN) or physicians. They both are considered entry level nurses and have the same training and responsibilities.
The LPNs and LVNs have to provide personal care to the patients. Their main responsibility is to maintain patient records, monitor patients and collect urine or blood samples. As they get more proficient at their work their responsibilities towards the patient is increased. They may be asked to redress the wounds of the patient or take their vitals. Their work and salary becomes almost the same as that of a RN. In many states they can also administer prescribed medicines. Assisting in deliveries and care of the newborns, managing appointments, scheduling flu shots as well as filing medical charts can also be a part of their responsibilities depending upon the state and the hospital. All this makes the LPNs and LVNs very important for the smooth running of the medical profession.
To be a qualified LPN or LVN it is essential to pass a state licensing exam called NCLEX-PM after completing graduation from a Licensed Practical Nursing Program. In addition to this, a high school diploma as well as a nursing entrance test certificate from a accredited nursing home is a must for gaining admittance into the program.
Licensed vocational nurses salary is between $17 to $22 hourly.
Licensed practical nurses salary is around $17 to $24 hourly.
There is a huge demand for LPV and LVN in Ohio, Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Michigan, New York.
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