Certified Nurses Assistant In New York
To become a certified nurses assistant in the state of New York is a lengthy and involved process. All nurses must past the Certified Nurses Assistant Examination in order to gain employment at any licensed medical facility in the state. There are a few ways you can do this. Nurses who have already completed the coursework, but haven’t taken the test yet may choose to do so by challenging the exam.
This basically means that the nurse will be given a chance to take the test on a later date at one of many testing sites located throughout the state. In New York these exams are administered and evaluated by Prometric, it is they who will contact the student with testing information. Nurses who have already successfully passed the exam in other states will be allowed to take the test in New York once it is determined that the number of course hours they have completed is sufficient to work in this state.
States vary in the number of hours they require a nurse to take before being able to take the examination. The federal requirement is seventy five hours of study, and all states have to adhere to that. All states uniformly agree that this number of hours is insufficient, so may assign additional hours of classwork and clinical rotational assignments.
The nursing student can take the certified nurses assistants course at many places throughout the state. Most community and four year colleges offer this program as part of their curriculum. Students can also take the course by applying directly to the medical facility that they wish to work at. Most of the licensed facilities in the state of New York offer a program for students to become certified nurses assistant. Most facilities now reimburse students that have passed the examination and have gained employment within a year’s time.
Entrance and course requirements may vary from class to class. Everyone has a different way of teaching, and as long as certain requirements are met, there is no wrong way to teach this course. Prices for participation may also vary from class to class, but as a whole the cost of becoming a certified nurses assistant is a lot cheaper than pursuing degrees in other nursing professions.
The certified nurses assistants course does more than prepare the student for the certification exam. It also prepares the student for life in the real world, working as a nurse in an entry level position. Clinical hours require the nursing student to work closely with medical staff and patients at a variety of tasks.
This is the best way to evaluate the skills that the student has learned in class. This is also the best way for the student to perfect those skills, and to find out if they are really going to be able to work in medicine. Sometimes people find once they get to clinical trials, that they don’t have the stomach for the hands on work. Best to find out in training instead of on the job.
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