Online nurse practitioner programs

What are online graduate nurse practitioner programs

Nurse practitioner programs are divided into many branches and each branch has different specialty. The aim of the online nurse practitioner programs are to focus on the various different aspects of nursing. The nurses are required to have broad and comprehensive knowledge related to their area of work. This knowledge is availed to the nurse aspirants through the nurse practitioner programs which are also offered over the internet. The aim of these programs is to train the nurses according to the specifics of their selected specialization. The information that is given to these nurses proves valuable to them in their career as professional nurses.

There are many duties performed by the nurse practitioners including offering family planning services, health care, child care, etc. Through the online programs the nurse practitioners can become qualified as performing these duties. However, if you are aspiring to be a nurse practitioner you should know that every state has different regulations regarding the duties of these nurses. Over the internet you can find several different nurse practitioner programs such as Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program, Neonatal Nurse Program, Family Nurse Program, etc.

When you aspire to become a qualified nurse practitioner it is important for you to completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and then get a Master’s degree in nursing. The Master’s degree will help you in gaining professional experience to further your career. Once you have completed all the requirements and you have the degree with you, you will have to sit for a board examination to prove your skills and knowledge as a nurse practitioner. With the help of online programs you will not find it difficult to become a nurse practitioner.

The Online Nurse Practitioner Programs are the right choice for you if you want to work while you are preparing for the program. A great thing about the online programs is that it offers the flexibility to continue to work without hampering your studies and practice. If you are working a hospital on a swing shift it is natural that you will have difficulty in preparing yourself for the nursing examinations by the means of a traditional nursing educational organization. It can become stressful and at times even impossible to manage your schedule at the hospital along with your studies. But if you decide to take on the online nurse practitioner program you will be able to study at your own pace and at whatever time that is convenient to you. Furthermore, you can make use of the online resources to do your research. It will save you money on buying expensive books that are required in the conventional colleges and universities.

When you are aspiring to be a Nurse Practitioner you will have many options of the graduate degree programs that you can take on. But the convenience that is offered in the online colleges can not be found with the traditional ones. Before selecting any college, whether online or conventional, you have to make sure that they are accredited.

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Nurse practitioner scholarships

Nurse practitioner vs physician assistant

LPN to RN nursing scholarships

You love the medical field and helping people, but as an LPN, wouldn’t it be nice to get paid more for the work you love?  RN’s almost always get a far better salary and benefit package because they are worth more to their employer.  Being an RN means that you are more certified and better qualified to take on more responsibilities.  More responsibility means that you’ll be able to afford that house instead of your studio apartment.  The only problem is, in order to become an RN; you have to go back to school.  Who’s got the money for that?  You know you’re going to need LPN to RN nursing scholarships, but where should you look?

In this article, we’ll show you a few tips and tricks to get you back into school on someone else’s dime.

Registered Nurse: Not Impossible

The thought of school may be daunting.  Not only is it hard work; it is very costly.  You’re going to want to track down as many LPN to RN nursing scholarships as possible.
Here are a few you may want to look at:

  • Alpha Tau Delta
  • Health Occupations Students of America
  • Infusion Nursing Society
  • United Daughters of the Confederacy
  • Ulman Cancer Fund for Adults
  • National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations
  • American Quarter Horse Foundation Scholarships

This list, by no means, is exhaustive.  You can find LPN to RN nursing scholarships all over the Web; this will just give you a place to start. Most of these scholarships will require a good bit of paperwork, and that takes time to process.  You will want to make sure to fill out that paperwork and send it in at latest by March before the year you will need that scholarship.  The LPN to RN nursing scholarships will most likely require an essay and several references.  The best thing you can do is have these lined up well in advance.  Most of these scholarships will give you anything from paying for your books to a full ride.  Your success depends on how well prepared you are, the ability to flaunt the credentials you already have, and how soon you can send in your paperwork.  Some of these LPN to RN nursing scholarships are on a first-come-first-serve basis.  So be sure you get your paperwork spot on, as soon as possible.

California scholarships

California resident scholarship program

Scholarship Presenter: United States University

Funds to be given: Not Specified

Last day to apply: Not Specified

Accepted at these institution: Any

Requirements: For all California residents who are enrolled in online undergraduate and graduate programs. The undergraduate programs are in management, nursing (RN to BSN), health science and general studies. Graduate programs are in business administration, nursing administration and nursing education. 200 students will receive California resident scholarship program.

Please visit the scholarship presenter’s Source for more details. (Financial Aid — Scholarships) or call (888) 422-3381 or contact Tom Finaly, Chief Operating Officer
714-252-8592 ext. 3203


United States University
830 Bay Blvd.Chula Vista, CA 91911
Toll Free:1-888-422-3381
Phone:619-477-6310, Fax:619-477-7340

Find more scholarships for nursing students in California here

How to verify a cna license

How to validate a CNA license

Sometimes, when you are a CNA, employers don’t always ask for licenses.  Employers either assume that you have it, or they think that simply giving the license number is synonymous.  In reality, you might have a CNA license number, but your certificate is actually expired.  Also, if you’ve been doing freelance CNA work, your clientele will almost never ask for CNA certification verification, which means that you could conceivably expire your license and never know it.

Working as a CNA without an active license could be extremely dangerous.  In the event that you become involved in a malpractice lawsuit, or simply asked to provide documentation, you could find yourself in deep water.  You will want to figure out how to verify a CNA license as soon as you can, to avoid a possible career ending disaster.

How to search a CNA license

  • First, you will want to contact your nurses State Board, or even contact your Nurses Aid Registry.  Every state has one of these, and some even have them online.  If you live in California, you won’t even have to talk to anyone on the phone, you can simply log on and verify your CNA license.
  • If you live in other states that do not have an online option, you will want to speak with someone in the State Board or CNA Registry office.
  • Then, you will be able to talk to them about your predicament.  In most states, simply giving them a driver’s license number or a social security number will be enough information for them to look you up.  This process should not take too long, as they most likely have the information stored on a state database.
  • If the CNA certification verification turns up an expired certificate, you are going to need to go through the steps to receive a new, updated certificate.  Depending on the state, this could take a few weeks, especially if you have to pass another aptitude test.
  • If your certificate is not expired, then you have a few options.  They can either send your certificate by email, which would be provided in a PDF attachment, or they can mail you a hard copy of your certificate.  It is almost always better to have a hard copy, because of the state seal.  This will take up to two weeks, so be ready for the wait.
  • If you are a CNA, it would be a good idea to update your records and ask for a copy of your certificate.  It is a small task, which might save your career someday.

Find out  how to get paid for CNA training in your area.

How to become a traveling nurse

How long does it take to become a traveling nurse

Have you been nursing for at least 18 months to 2 years in an acute care facility?  You are in luck if you’ve been considering the possibility of becoming a traveling nurse.  Being a traveling nurse is an adventure; it will give you priceless experience, and it will strengthen your resume’.  Perhaps, you simply enjoy traveling, and don’t wish to be strapped down to one area.  There are many great reasons to steer your career path in that direction, but how do you get there?  In this article, we will show you how to be a traveling nurse.  It may be a good idea to print out this article and use it as a checklist.

Traveling nurse requirements – How do you become a traveling nurse

There are a few steps to becoming a traveling nurse, which you will want to do in order, and as thoroughly as you can.  Traditionally, traveling nurses are called in when there are staffing issues or special care is required.  This is one reason nurses must have experience in an acute care facility.  These staffing agencies want top of the line nurses, because the level of responsibility is increased.

  • First, you will want to contact a traveling nurse staffing agency.  There are many places you can search, but the best place is on the Internet.  The reason the web is the best place is because most of these agencies operate on a national level.  From here, you can choose how much pay you expect to earn, benefit packages, different places you want to go, and many more options you may favor or choose against.
  • You will want to fill out all applications, and ready your references.  This part of the process is rather simple.  Just list your specifications and the people who will vouch for you, and send it in to an agency of your choosing.
  • Next, you will be talking with a recruiter.  This person will be able to guide you through all of the intricacies of how to become a traveling nurse.  They will also be there with you if you have any requests or questions while you’re on the road during your career.
  • After that, you’ll get to select your next destination.  Depending on how the agency is zoned, you can work anywhere from Sacramento, CA to Harrisburg, PA.  That depends on your preference.
  • It is time now for the interview.  Basically, it will be two part: First, they want to get a feel for who you are, and if you are up to the job of becoming a traveling nurse.  Second, they will break down the job and tell you how it works.
  • Sign on.  If you are here, then check the oil in your car, gas up, and hit the road.  You’re now on an adventure, doing what you love to do.

Find scholarships for traveling nurses here.

Nursing scholarships in Louisville KY

Top 5  scholarships for nursing in Henderson, Hopkinsville, Lexington, Louisville, Kentucky

Are you a resident in Kentucky and you want to get a nursing degree?  The funding to get that education does seem daunting, but you’re in luck.   You can take advantage of hundreds of scholarships, saving you tons of money when you’re finished with your nursing education.  We are going to take a closer look at the top 5 scholarships that you can get your hands on, if you’re going to school in Louisville, more specifically, The University of Louisville.

Take Notes

The information in this article might be able to save you thousands of dollars, if not, give you a full ride for your education.  You may want to either print this article, or get a pen and a piece of paper, because there’s a lot or money to be saved if you follow up on these scholarships.

  • The American Cancer Society – This particular scholarship will assist nurses who are getting their master’s in cancer nursing.  They will help you with $10,000 over the next 2 years if you’ve kept your grades consistently high
  • Greater Louisville Medical Society Alliance – This is a scholarship that can either award you a full ride, or just pay for your books.  The factors do depend on your grades and your financial situation.  This scholarship is definitely worth scoping out.
  • Army Nurse Candidate Program – This program is for those nurses who are interested in joining the US Army, with a GPA of 3.2.  Among other perks, you can get a sign on bonus of $10,000, a yearly tuition assistance of $5,000, and even a monthly stipend of $1,000 so the student does not have to take a part time job in order to pay the bills.
  • Kentucky Board of Nursing Incentive Scholarship – This scholarship is funded by the Kentucky Board of Nursing, for the express purpose to give scholarships to nursing majors who wish to reside in KY after they graduate.  With this scholarship, they will pay you $2,000 initially, with $1,000 per semester in tuition assistance.

Continue to more scholarships for nursing in Kentucky.

Nursing scholarships in Cincinnati, Ohio

Top 5 nursing scholarships for Cincinnati, OH nursing students

Are looking to head off to college in Cincinnati, OH and want to get into their nursing programs? There are wonderful benefits for being in the medical field, and because it is a field that helps people, medical foundations and trusts are just itching to give you cash. If you’ve kept a high GPA, you could be eligible for thousands in tuition assistance and grants. The cost of education could be extremely high, but with help, you can achieve your dreams and not have to pay off those school loans for the next few decades. We are going to take an in depth look at the top 5 scholarships for nursing students in Cincinnati, OH.

List of top scholarships in Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, West Chester, Cleveland, Fairfield – Ohio:

#1. The Rose Hook Scholarship Fund – This scholarship was created to commemorate a nurse who once served on the InterAct of Change board. This scholarship is complex, and could pay a full ride, or just a few hundred dollars. The best thing you can do is fill out the application about 6 months before the next semester, and brag about all your accomplishments.

#2. The Laura Rosanagle Memorial Scholarship – This scholarship would go to a nursing major with either a BS or a BA, as well as being enrolled in an MSN degree program.

#3. The Ida W. Casey Program – this is a high paying scholarship that is awarded to nursing majors who are working towards their BS with consistently high GPA’s.

#4. The Anna M. Drake Scholarship – This scholarship will be awarded to nursing majors who are in accredited programs and are receiving either an associate or baccalaureate nursing degree.

#5. The Clinton and Blanche Harden Scholarship – This program will assist nursing majors who are currently involved in ASN, BSN, or LPN nursing programs.

Continue to more scholarships for nursing students in Ohio