Medical surgical nursing certification

How to get medical surgical nursing certification

Professions in the field of healthcare industry are some of the most recession- resistant and high demand jobs today. One such healthcare related job is becoming a medical-surgical nurse. Medical-surgical nurses begin their career like those of other group of nurses by obtaining nursing degrees from accredited universities. This article will help you in finding out, how to become a medical- surgical nurse.

Medical surgical nurses – Know the duties

Before beginning the course or appearing for certification, you need to know the job profile of a medical- surgical nurse. A medical- surgical nurse offers basic medical care to in hospital patients. Their duties include observing and recording patient’s vital signs, and providing quality care before, during, and after surgical operations.

Medical surgical nurses job description – Skills needed

Those in this field should have high stamina to cope with long hours and stress that come with working in the healthcare field. Patience is the utmost thing, a person need in this profession. One should also have the ability to make quick decisions even during emergency situations.

Surgical nurse education requirements

If you can track your line for the sake of medical-surgical nursing from the high school itself, it will prove very beneficial to you in the future. Take subjects in biology, chemistry and physics. during your spare time, you can attempt to volunteer at a local hospital as it will help in gaining much more practical experience from the very beginning.


The most qualified nurses are those who obtained a four year bachelor of science in nursing degree. However, you can also acquire an associate degree in nursing for two years at a community college.

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How to become a psychiatric nurse

How to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner?

Psychiatry is a special branch of medicine which deals with the treatment and study of mental conditions of patients. Psychiatric nurses are registered nurses that specialize in treating a variety of patients with mental disorders. These nurses come from a variety of educational background but almost all of them are registered nurses in their state. There are also a few certification and requirements to become a psychiatric nurse.

Psychiatric nurses must become registered nurses by completing diploma, associate degree or a bachelor degree in nursing. They should also complete additional training in psychological therapies, dealing with challenging behavior. Here are some of the steps to become a psychiatric nurse.

  • A bachelor’s degree in nursing is an important and basic criterion in the field. A master’s in nursing will help you get a higher paying and more specialized position. So it’s to gear up your education in the track of nursing and do a bachelor’s degree first of all.
  • Take the NCLEX-RN TEST to become a registered nurse. You are eligible for giving the test if you have completed associate, bachelor or master’s degree in nursing with a good percentage of marks and a recognized university.
  • Look for a entry level psychiatric positions to get some relevant experience in the respective field. You will be requiring completing some time in training so that you will get a chance to put your learned skills and knowledge into action.

In addition to all the above things, you need to increase your organizational and communication skills.

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Certified nurse midwife education requirements

Education guidelines for nurse midwife

A nurse midwife is an advanced practice registered nurse with specialized training in assisting pregnant women and their new born babies. They are employed in hospitals, health maintenance organizations. Some also do private practice. Certified nurse midwives have played a vital role in drastically reducing the maternal and infant death rate in this country. But to be a certified nurse midwife, one needs to gain that much of qualification and skills.

From the beginning, students should take challenging high school courses in science, math and English. They should be acquainted with psychology, sociology, computer skills, physical education and English. Individuals interested in becoming a certified nurse midwife must be a registered nurse before entering into the main program. They must then complete an accredited educational program to earn either a certificate or a master’s degree. Before beginning practice, they must also pass a written examination conducted by American college of nurse midwives.

Once a person passes this examination, they are able to practice anywhere in the United States. Those who successfully complete a nurse- midwifery program and successfully pass the national exam will be educated in both midwifery and nursing. Becoming a nurse-midwife comes with a desirable salary. The salary depends upon various factors. These factors include length and type of experience, geographical area, benefits and the institution in which they choose to practice. With time and dedication, the salary of a nurse midwife can become more satisfactory.

Anyone interested in this field of nursing should enjoy working with people and be able to develop strong interpersonal relationships.

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Nursing’s social policy statement

The Nursing’s Social Policy Statement is a document, released by the American Nurses Association in the year 1995. It is a policy statement, which states the social as well as professional responsibility of the nurses. The Nursing’s social policy statement is a description of the nursing profession and lists the essential elements that are involved in the nursing profession.

Goal of the Nursing’s Social Policy Statement

The main goal of the Nursing’s Social Policy Statement is to make the nurses understand the basic Nursing Social Policy Statement. The policy statement also guides the nurses in applying their professional skills in the real world.

Objectives of the Nursing’s Social Policy Statement

The main objective of the Nursing’s Social Policy statement is to define the role nurses play in the health care industry and to help them recognize their responsibilities towards the society. The statement also aims to cite the relationship between autonomy and competency and its effect on the self-determination of the nurses. It contains some essential elements about the nursing profession, which are as follows:

Contents of the nursing’s Social Policy Statement

  • Definition of Nursing: The policy defines nursing as protection, promotion, as well as optimization of the health and overall abilities of any individual.
  • Social Context and Contract: This states that the authority of nursing practice is based on a social contract. This social contract acknowledges the responsibilities as well as the rights for the public accountability.
  • Standards and Scope of practice: The scope depends on the Education, Role, Experience, and Population.
  • Regulation and Authority for practice: It is divided into self-regulation, professional regulation, and legal regulation. Self-regulation means personal accountability for knowledge and participation in development of review mechanisms and policies whereas professional regulation includes structure for delivery of nursing, peer review, and system of credentialing.
  • The knowledge base related to nursing: This mostly includes issues such as care and self-care, emotions of human development and health or diseases, healthcare systems and impact on quality, environment and disease prevention and social policies and effect on health and so on.

It is important to note that the important elements mentioned-above are subject to change as per the advances that take place in the profession of nursing and the practice and knowledge.

Can i become registered nurse online

How to become a registered nurse online

Today is an excellent time to explore new career options related to nursing. The demand of nursing sector is increasing day by day and to meet the needs of these increasing demands, many online nursing schools have been set up which offers the flexibility of nursing education on your own time and at your own pace.

These online nursing schools will allow you to earn your associate degree, and qualify for your initial RN license, through online education. Whether you are just starting out or wanting to advance your career, the online mode of education would be of great benefit to you. There are several online nursing programs available on the internet and you should red all their information, eligibility for admission and course of study for the online nursing degree.

Gather the information and after carefully analyzing the facts and figures, decide as from which organization, you are going to pursue the online nursing program.

How online nursing schools works

An online nursing class is generally hosted on its own website. The instructor posts lecture materials and assignments on this site. Solved assignments are emailed to the instructor, usually on designated due dates. You can otherwise login into the website and read the course materials anytime. Some online nursing schools may require students to spend a few days on campus, but many have no residency requirement.

Regionally accredited online nursing school’s requirement

While some online programs allow students to complete the course at their own pace , many programs affiliated with traditional universities require students to maintain the same semester schedule as on- campus students. These online nursing classes are not easy than on campus classes as it requires discipline from your own self. Completing assignments or projects on time can be hard because you may not get help right away. So You must be well organized and well prepared to take online nursing classes.

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Can i become nurse with a biology degree

Can you become a nurse practitioner with a biology degree

Being a nurse practitioner is not so easy as it seems. It is a very broad thing and covers many attributes. Only a degree with biology as a major will not help you in the race. A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse with advanced education and an expanded scope of practice. Nurses have a very broad based education including psychology, communication, ethics and many other courses that you would not get with a biology degree. Nurses have to manage much more clinical responsibilities.

Obviously with a biology degree, you are going to become a nurse if you want to. Degree in biology is not in anyway worthless. But you have to go a little further in order to get into the track of nursing. In fact, degree in biology would be much more advantageous for you and it means that you are halfway done. Just you have to fill up some additional requirements to get into the right platform.

You need to get your bachelors in nursing, become a registered nurse and then gets at least one year experience working in ICU. Getting a practical experience is very vital in the nursing field. After you get the experience, you can also apply for the nurse anesthetics program where you will be receiving your masters in nurse anesthesia.

As a conclusion, we can say that a biology degree is basically an accomplishment. It says that you can follow something through to the end. A bachelor in biology is a foundation that prepares you for the physiology and chemistry concepts of anesthesia.

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Can i become a nurse online

Can you become a nurse online?

Yes, You can. Nurses are needed more than any other profession now a day because of the growing number of people that require their services. They are an essential part of hospitals and clinics. They assist the doctors and make sure that patients are taking their medications in the right way. In this article, we will discuss that how one can become a nurse by taking the online courses.

The arrival of web based nursing classes have made possible to take the online nursing course. These are an excellent alternative for those individuals who cannot attend the physical lectures because of different reasons such as far off area or high expenses.

BSN nursing qualification

All the programs related to bsn nursing degree as well as msn nursing degree are offered over the internet. You may acquire LPN certification on the internet if you intend to, or alternatively you may register those courses which can be useful in becoming an registered nurse on the net.

Web based LPN training

Acquiring online LPN training is a good choice rather than taking the physical lectures. Web based nursing classes offers all details via the net by making use of text files, video or audio lectures as well as video conferencing classes. Projects and tests ere also performed on the internet online. With the help of internet messenger, you can solve any type of queries with your advisor or counselors. You will also get a chance to interact with your mates over the internet while you do together assignments or group presentations.

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