Nursing scholarships in Baltimore, MD USA

There are countless possibilities for scholarships if you work in the medical industry, but what if you need one that will specifically pay you to go to school in Baltimore? Well in most cases, scholarships don’t require you to stay around a certain area, but there are a few that are specific to Baltimore, MD.

Sniff Out Free Cash

When looking for free scholarships, it is important to stay open-minded and really explore the possibilities. Some scholarships will pay large sums off of your medical education, but you may have to work in certain areas. Some of these scholarships are associated with NELRP, which essentially reimburses you to work in an area where there is a shortage of qualified nurses.

The following is a short list of scholarships that you might want to check out if you live in Baltimore, MD and need someone else to pay for your education.

  • University of Baltimore, MD ADA Scholarship – This scholarship works with Nurse Education Loan Repayment Programs and will cover up to 85% of your college loans if you work in some inner city hospitals.
  • Annapolis Navy Scholarship – The US Naval Academy based in Annapolis, MD will give a full ride scholarships if you are a qualified nursing student and are currently enrolled in that school. There are certain facilities and specialties that they don’t have at Annapolis, which means that they will send you to Baltimore schools in order to complete your schooling.
  • The National Healthcare Initiative will award a $4,000 scholarship to approved nursing students who wish to work in inner city municipality hospitals.
  • National Fund for Nurses and Doctors – This scholarship will offer $10,000 to certain nurses who meet the required criteria of a 3.8 GPA. This scholarship is based in Baltimore, MD.

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Nursing scholarships in Maryland

Nursing student loans for men in Maryland

Nursing scholarships in India

The Top 5 Indian Nursing Scholarships For Men

It does seem difficult to hunt down nursing scholarships that are funded by medical institutions and trusts that are located in India. Though this might seem challenging for those of us in the States, there are several large educational institutions that are based in India, as their medical industry grows leaps and bounds every year. Where there is a blossoming healthcare industry, there will be a demand for nurses, which means that you are in luck with finding scholarships.

Where To Start

  • The Indian Military and Army will offer some of the best options for government assistance and scholarships. Especially since there is a massive shortage of nurses in both military and army in India, going through the right channels might land you with a full ride, based somewhere in New Delhi.
  • The India Nursing Council can offer a $1000 scholarship for nurses that either studied abroad in Indian school, or are a native Indian going to school locally. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage nurses to stay in India and not carry their expertise elsewhere.
  • The Bihar Mocrah Scholarship will offer the equivalent to $500 to nurses who received a 3.5 or higher GPA in a major medical college located in India.
  • The Health Professionals Education Foundation offers a $10,000 scholarship to nurses who wish to take their abilities abroad. India is one of those approved countries that qualify for the scholarship. The catch is that the applicant must serve in State side shortage areas in order to claim the scholarship.
  • The Pilot International Foundation Scholarship will offer various amounts from $1,000 to $10,000 to approved nurses who specialize in brain and nervous system related work.

There are many other scholarships available, but these are a few that might get you started on your hunt for a great education and a way to work in India.

Nursing education loan repayment program – NELRP

Good Deeds Can Be Rewarded

The US Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program (NELRP) is a program that was started by various government departments and agencies for the express purpose of flooding qualified nurses into areas where there might be a shortage. In doing this, the government has been able to provide excellent healthcare to places that tend not to attract new nurses that are fresh out of college. There are many programs like these in other career fields, but NELRP is one of the most rewarding.

Receiving Assistance

Basically, the inner workings of the program allow those nurses who might otherwise struggle with the rising cost of education to be able to pay for their schooling in a matter of months instead of decades. Nurses are the backbone of the medical industry, and it is important to get these nurses where they are needed most. Thus, the Department of Education and other Federal loan assistance agencies unveiled NELRP to address the issue of medical staff shortages in problem areas.

In order for the nurse to take advantage of NELRP, there are a few steps that need to be taken; however, the rewards most definitely outweigh the risks.

What Should You Do?

First, you will want to make a phone call to Diversity and Basic Nurse Education Branch at 1(866) 813-3753. They will be able to refer you to the application process, or even mail you the application and other informative materials on program benefits and requirements.

Diversity and Basic Nurse Education Branch
Nurse Education Loan Repayment Program (NELRP)
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 9-36
Rockville, MD 20857

View more details “

The basic plan entails that if a nurse works in an approved area for a matter of three years, NELRP will assist with up to 60% of education costs. If that nurse decides to work three years in that area, then NELRP will cover up to 85% of those costs. A nurse will also be able to apply for the third year in the even that he or she signed for only two.

If you are a nurse, be sure to check out this program, as it could be extremely rewarding. Nursing education loan repayment program for nurse faculty is also a providing boost to nurse educators.

Continue toStudent loan forgiveness for nurses

Emergency nurse certification

Wondering How To Get Emergency Nurse Certification

For those interested in how to get emergency nursing certification, you must already be a Registered Nurse in the United States, and have an unrestricted nursing license or certificate that is current. Preferred but not required, is having had two or more years experience working in the United States as an emergency room nurse.

These are voluntary certifications intended to continually improve professional standards and heighten individual performance and education.

Process for taking the CEN exam:
1. Order an application from the Certifying Board for Emerg. Nursing, or BCEN. There is an online request form on the website for the BCEN.

2. Fill out and return the application with the correct fee, by one of two ways (see A and B). Currently the fee is $360. This is reduced to $220 for nurses who belong to the Emergency Nurses Assoc.(ENA)

  • Online: Application may be filled out and returned online, but payment requires a credit card.
  • U.S. Postal Mail: Print your application and mail in with payment by paper check. Send to the BCEN office.
  • Note: If you can combine your application with 2 other applicants “in the same envelope”, you may deduct $20 from each of the 3 applicants fee’s.

3. Once the Board receives both, a handbook and authorization letter will be sent. After receiving these you may schedule an appointment to take the exam.

Exams are given on a computer and are offered at more than 165 Assessment Centers, all over the U.S. You must make an appointment at least four days prior to taking the exam.

The BCEN also offers online practice Exams for the Emergency Nurse Certification Test. You may order one online at the BCEN website. Fee’s are either $30 for a 50 question CEN Practice Exam, or $75 for a 150 question CEN Practice Exam. These may be taken only once per fee.

Once you’ve successfully completed the exam through the BCEN certification program, emergency care nurses earn the privilege of using their certificate as formal notification to employers, patients and peers. A BCEN certificate is a guarantee that a Nurse has passed a test of competency and has committed to furthering her schooling. It can be viewed as a symbol of dedication to the practice of being an Emergency Care Nurse.

There is a separate certificate program for emergency nurses in pediatrics (CPEN) for those who’ve been providing urgent and emergency care to pediatric patients. It has been developed by partnership of the BCEN and the Pediatrics’ Nurse Certifying Board. The procedure is very similar to how to get emergency nurse certification, and you can find more information on either of the two Associations’ websites.

Continue to “Scholarships for nursing students

Scholarships for felons

Find ways to obtain grants and scholarships for convicted felons

When an individual has had trouble with the law, it can be extremely difficult to find scholarships for felons. Scraping together funding for college is always hard, regardless of one’s background. But as a felon, the options available to these individuals are further diminished because of their past mistakes. But after getting out of jail, the important thing is that felons are seeking to better their lives, and going to college can be a significant part of rehabilitation. Although they may be a little harder to find, there are scholarships available to ex-cons.

Many cannot empathize with those seeking scholarships for felons. They do not have the ability to look past felony convictions to believe that these individuals deserve financial help for the privilege of a higher education. But the fact is that ex-cons have served the time for their mistakes, and the very fact that they are seeking further education shows that that they are redirecting their lives. Earning a degree will help felons distance themselves from their previous life of crime.

The NAACP Prison Project seeks to help ex-felons nationwide and does this in part by providing scholarships for felons. The organization works to get equal rights for inmates, as well as provide needed referrals where needed. The NAACP Prison Project helps rehabilitate ex-cons and reintegrate them into society so that they can move past their mistakes to become contributing members. Go to for more details.

Charles Colson is an individual who contributed to prison ministries in significant ways. In his honor, the Charles W. Colson Scholarship is one of the scholarships for felons that was created to help fund the educations of inmates seeking to change their lives. Available in conjunction with Wheaton College, it helps cover tuition and may also cover room and board, books, counseling, and tutoring.

Many scholarships for felons exist in larger cities. In New York, STRIVE and the Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation administer the Simmons Brothers Arts Scholarship. It is intended for contestants who wish to earn a baccalaureate degree in the arts and is awarded to one ex-con per year who has served many years on drug charges.

The Second Chance Reentry Program works with ex-offenders to help them assimilate back into their communities. While this includes help with jobs as well, the Second Chance Reentry Program also provides scholarships for felons.

Ex-cons will also need to conduct their own research since certain scholarships are specific to location. The library is a great place to start that can provide plenty of helpful information. Contacting local community colleges and speaking directly with a financial aid advisor will also help add to an individual’s list of scholarships for felons.

The fact is that providing a higher education to ex-offenders is one of the best things a community can do. Just as with any potential college student, a degree will open doors for the ex-con so that he can redirect his life towards productive goals. Equipped with a college education, these scholarships for felons can help ex-cons become contributing members of society. Once rehabilitated, the chain effect may be greater than anticipated as ex-cons seek to help others.

Continue to “Can I be a nurse with a felony

Clinical nurse specialist vs. Nurse practitioner

What are the differences between a clinical nurse specialist and a nurse practitioner?

Within the medical world, there is such a broad and diverse range of fields, specializations, and titles that it can easily become confusing to understand and keep track of who does what in a hospital or a clinic, and what each person’s role is in the overall practice of medicine.

With this in mind, it is helpful to explore what the specific distinctions are between a clinical nurse specialist and a nurse practitioner. Following are the differences between these two occupations as it relates to some of the basic aspects of becoming certified and actually practicing within each position.

1. Clinical nurse specialist Vs. Nurse practitioner salary

In the United States, the average median salary for a clinical nurse specialist is $87,867. For a nurse practitioner, the average median salary is $85,200. Obviously, there are some who fall above or below the averages in each category, and there is always room to earn more than the average salary.

2. Clinical nurse specialist education requirements Vs. Nurse practitioner education requirements

Clinical nurse specialists receive graduate level educations from a program that prepares and certifies clinical nurse specialists. They generally become clinical experts in some particular and specialized aspect of the nursing field. The educations received by nurse practitioners are in many ways similar to clinical nurse specialists, as a nurse practitioner must also complete graduate level education, but typically with a much wider spectrum of expertise rather than the more specific clinical nurse specialist.

3. Clinical nurse specialist role Vs. Nurse practitioner role

Given the differences in education between the two, the clinical nurse practitioner is generally much more focused on a very specific area within the broader field of nursing practice. Clinical nurse specialists focus on the use of evidence-based nursing interventions, which are medical practices focused on utilizing new techniques and treatments with heavy research already completed to prove their effectiveness. On the other hand, a nurse practitioner participates in a wider range of activities, and based on additional training and certifications, can work in the fields of family medicine, women’s health, pediatrics, adult care, or other fields of medical practice.

4. Areas of Focus. Clinical nurse specialist job description Vs. Nurse practitioner job description

Clinical nurse specialists usually work with other nurses to implement newly researched tools, treatments, and techniques, and usually focus on one of the following specialties: working directly with the patient, working with and helping to improve a healthcare provider’s nursing personnel, and working with the overall healthcare system. A nurse practitioner typically finds him or herself more involved with actual treatments, diagnosing and treating chronic diseases or illnesses, constructing and prescribing physical therapy regimens, performing immunizations, and performing or aiding in minor surgeries.

While there are certainly differences between the training and the actual practices of clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners, both are heavily invested in improving the overall care provided to patients and patients’ loved ones.

Whether it is through research, implementing new techniques, seeking ways to improve the overall delivery of medicine, or taking part in administering actual treatments, both clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners have become critical components of contemporary healthcare delivery.

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Nurse practitioner vs physician assistant

Nurse practitioner scholarships

Perianesthesia nursing

While this profession might not be well heard of, it is experiencing heightened demand in hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical and paramedical institutions all across the US and the world. In essence, a perianesthesia nurse is someone who provides specialized care for patients during surgery, under anesthesia, and coming back to consciousness. Often times, this position requires vigilance because the moments after a surgery, or during an anesthetic induced unconsciousness, are very crucial. This requires a nurse with very specific qualifications and a specialized job description.

A Short Guide to Perianesthesia Nursing

A perianesthesia nurse carries more responsibilities than that of a normal RN. They must be present at the most crucial moments of surgical procedure, and they are entrusted with the task of monitoring vitals and ensuring that the patient stays comfortable. This particular job is exploding with opportunity as the job description is becoming more specific; any time a position is specialized like this, not only does the salary hike, but the position carries extra responsibility.

Perianesthesia Nursing Certification

The perianesthesia nurse position is unique in that it does not yet require state certification. While the government does not yet regulate this position, it’s best to seek out a formal certification, if you want to find a well paying job.

Perianesthesia certification will convey to the employer that you not only want to commit to this field, but that you diligently took steps to ensure that you are properly trained to do the job. Having formal training in perianesthesia nursing will keep you current on the newest procedures and technological advances in the field. It is highly recommended that you get certified if you decide take this route.

In order to be certified, you have to have a good amount of perianesthesia nursing time behind you with a minimum of 1,800 hours of experience. The body that regulates nurse certification is the ABPANC (or the American Board of Perianesthesia Nursing Certification). The nurse must also have a bachelor’s or associates degree, so be sure to account for that before you take steps to acquire your perianesthesia nurse certification.

Perianesthesia nurse salary

For nurses, a perianesthesia nurse position is a relative gold mine. For certified nurses who are also qualified to work in surgery, the salary can soar upwards to $38 per hour. If the perianesthesia nurse does become certified, that nurse can then enjoy the title of either a CPAN (Certified Perianesthesia Nurse) or a CAPA (Certified Ambulatory Perianesthesia Nurse). Either position is extremely coveted, but it is a very lucrative idea to keep becoming more trained, educated, and certified. The higher you climb, the more you get paid.

The Search for Opportunities

Joining with the ASPAN (The American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses) is going to be an excellent decision, as these folks can hook you up with opportunities for advancing your career and can provide invaluable resources. This is a great way to make sure that you’re networked. If a well-paying medical institution is in search of a perianesthesia nurse, they know exactly where to find you.

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