Student loans for nursing students with bad credit

How to get student loans for nursing students with bad credit

Students who wish to study further often lose hope and discontinue their studies due to lack of funds. This mainly happens because they feel that no or bad credit is going to affect their chances of securing a loan. However, what these students don’t know is it is completely wrong and they can secure a student loan even if they have no or bad credit. The same thing is applicable for students pursuing a course in nursing.

What types of loans are available for nursing students with bad credit?

There are basically two types of loans available for nursing students with bad credit. These include the federal government loans and special loans granted by private lenders or banks. The loans granted by private lenders include the Sallie Mae or Wells Fargo. The key lies in finding the best loan that offers you the best rates.

The requirements to get nursing student loans for students with bad credit

The requirements for nursing students to get student loans are simple. The person just needs to be employed and must be above 18 years of age and should be a citizen of the United States.

Tips to get nursing student loans for students with bad credit

Consider all the options: This mostly includes going through all the options that may help you get a loan. This includes contacting the school finance aid office, lenders and private companies that offer loans to students, online databases of private lenders and companies that offer loans for students and so on.

Consider Federal Education loans:
These mostly include loans that are granted by government. These are mostly categorized into subsidized loans and unsubsidized loans. The former are provided to students demonstrating financial needs.

Have a cosigner for your loan:
There are many private lenders who can grant loans to students with bad credit if they show a cosigner. A cosigner is a person who agrees to payback the loan in case the student fails to repay the loan. It is better to have a cosigner who has a good credit as it will help the nursing student to get a loan at improved interest rates.

So, don’t live under the impression that you can’t pursue your career in nursing only because your have a bad credit and can’t get an educational loan. Just keep the things mentioned-above in mind and see you will end-up getting a good education loan.

Also view how to get students loans forgiven article.

CNA classes

What are CNA classes?

CNA refers to a Certified Nursing Assistant who works under the guidance of doctors and senior nurses. The main job of a CNA is to provide day-to-day care to people with diseases. They play a huge role in health management and potential care. However, to make the most out of the profession, a person has to undergo proper training that will help him/her to become a professional CNA. For this, the person will have to take the CNA classes. The following is some information that will give you a better idea about what exactly is included in CNA course curriculum.

Anatomy and Physiology

In this section, the person has to attend classes to study the human Anatomy and Physiology. The individual undergoes classroom study, which mainly focuses on musculoskeletol systems, urinary systems, respiratory systems, digestive systems, cardiovascular systems and so on.

The Excretory procedures

The CNA course curriculum also trains a person to deal with the excretory functions of a patient. This is mainly because; a CNA deals with the daily processes of a patient, which includes dealing with the excretion process. This class trains the student to deal with the excretion process of the patient. In this class, a student is required to answer the various terminologies related to the urinary and digestive systems of an individual. In this class, the student learns the collection and handling of specimens.

Practical Training

The CNA course curriculum is not limited only to theoretical aspects; it also contains some classes that help the student to gain some practical knowledge that is involved in the actual job of CNA. In the practical classes, a student mostly undergoes a training that makes the student adept in handling the following tasks:

  • Taking personal care of patient
  • The various process involved in personal care
  • Maintaining hair and nail care
  • Dressing as well as undressing the patient
  • Bed making

This was all about CNA classes and the CNA course curriculum. A good training is mandatory if you really want to become a professional CNA. Nursing Schools, State approved Colleges, Vocational Colleges, Nursing homes and community colleges are some of the best places wherein you can get a highly effective CNA training which will prepare you fully to face the challenges  involved not only in the profession of CNA but in the entire health care industry.

Nursing schools in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

The Best nursing schools in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Nursing is one of the fastest growing professions in the United States. Considering this, more and more people are looking to make a career in the nursing. However, becoming a nurse is not easy, as it may seem and requires a proper training and guidance. The state of Louisiana has become a hub of some of the top nursing schools, which produce only highly qualified nurses. We are going to look at some of the best nursing schools in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

  • The Baton Rouge General School of Nursing: This is one of the best nursing schools in Louisiana dedicated towards providing their students quality-nursing education, which will help them to become a highly skilled Registered Nurse or a RN. The Baton Rouge General School of Nursing focuses mostly on providing the students with all the latest technologies and treatment techniques that will prepare them to work in all types of working environment.
  • The Baton Rouge Community college: This is another best nursing school in Baton Rouge. The main motive of this college is to provide the students with appropriate training in nursing arena so that they meet the practical needs of the health care industry.
  • Southern University and A & M College: This is also one of the best nursing schools in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The nursing programs offered in this college bring about a professional development in students. The best part of getting a graduate degree in nursing from the Southern University Graduate Nursing School is it provides knowledge to students in almost all the arena of nursing profession such as the Gerentological nursing, family health, nursing research, nursing administration, and nursing education. The curriculum offered by this school makes the students qualified enough to deal with the needs of the society.

These were some of the best nursing schools in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. To become a good professional nurse, a good quality education as well as practical training is mandatory for everybody. Practical educational not only helps you to get a feel of the job of a nurse but also prepares you to serve the patients in a better manner.

View nursing scholarships in Louisiana here.

Male CNA

All about becoming a male CNA

The huge growth in the healthcare industry is attracting more men in the field. Today, many men are ready to look at the various nursing career options and are ready to become a Certified Nursing Assistant or a male CNA considering the lucrative salary and job security it offers.

Why to become a male CNA

In these tough economic conditions when there are constant layoffs and corporate downsizing, it is important to have a fixed job that can help an individual especially the prime earner of any house to have a regular source of income. The CNA profession exactly offers this to an individual. No matter what, patient care is necessary and United States is seeing a lot of demand for people who can provide bedside care to people in hospitals and nursing homes. Considering this, a male CNA can easily increase his income prospects.

Job profile of a male CNA

The male CNA has to conduct various job responsibilities. Some of these include performing EKGs, drawing blood, assisting with procedures, transporting patients, and ER techs. Male CNA’s can work even in the psychiatric units and can serve as psych techs. A male CNA will also have to change bed linens, clean and sterilize, store the supplies. The male CNA has to rely on the instructions provided by the nurse or supervisor and needs to report to the nurse on a regular basis to ensure that the job is functioning in a proper manner.

Qualification for CNA

A person can become CNA only if he has passed high school diploma or has a 0-2 years of experience. The person also needs to have good amount of knowledge about the various practices, procedures, and concepts widely used in the healthcare industry.

The male CNA salary

This is important aspect of the profession as many male CNA. The job of CNA usually pays well. The average salary that a male CNA can get is around $27,000. However, this can vary as per the company, industry, and most importantly experience of the male CNA.

This was some basic information about what it takes a male to become a CNA. A male CNA will have to prepare himself to deal with the emotional situations that arise due to the situations while taking care of a patient if he really wants to make the most out of this profession.

Once you become CNA, Next step would be Registered Nurse. There are several CNA to RN scholarships available.

Dental assistant vs dental hygienist

Dental Assistant v/s Dental Hygienist

If you are under the impression that a dental assistant is the same as a dental hygienist then you must know that you are completely wrong. The only similarity that these two have is they both work under the supervision of dentists but their job profile; their roles and duties all differ from another. Let us look how these two differ in various aspects.

Job responsibilities

  • Dental Assistant: The dental assistant has a host of duties to carry. These mostly include scheduling appointments, maintaining patients’ records, managing inventory and so on. In short, the dental assistant conducts majority of the administrative tasks under the supervision of a dentist.
  • Dental hygienist: The job responsibilities of a dental hygienist mostly tilt towards clinical aspects in a dentist’s clinic. A dental hygienist mostly carries out jobs such as patient screening, removing plague, applying preventative treatments and so on.

Salary Levels

  • Dental Assistant: A dental assistant gets a median salary of around $32,380. This salary may increase based on the skills and experience of the person.
  • Dental Hygienist: A dental hygienist earns more than a dental assistant. The median salary that a dental hygienist earns is around $66,570.

Required Certifications

  • Dental Assistant: There is no need for a dental assistant to have a certification in an educational program in majority of the states in the United States. The certification, which is usually required to become a certified Dental Assistant, is the Certified Dental Assistant or the CDA certificate. However, a person can get this even if he/she works for two years and successfully completes a school program.
  • Dental Hygienist: It is important for a person to complete a valid educational program to become a Registered Dental Hygienist or RDH. A person also needs to clear a written as well as clinical exam. The certification program and licensing procedure may vary from state to state.

Educational qualifications

  • Dental Assistant: There is no specific education required for a person to become a Dental Assistant. This is mainly because; a person gains more experience in the on-the-job training after entering the work force.
  • Dental Hygienist: To be a good dental hygienist, it is necessary for a person to attend a Commission on Dental Accreditation or CODA educational program. This course is usually of 2-4 years of duration depending on the type of program.

These were some of the major differences between a Dental Assistant and a Dental Hygienist. Hope you must have now got an idea about how these two differ from one another.

Find dental hygienist scholarships in your area here.

Charles W. Colson scholarship for Ex-Offenders

Charles W. Colson also known as “Chuck” has devoted his life to better ex-offenders lives by educating them. In 1973, He opened prison ministry called Prison Fellowship to guide inmates about improving their lifestyle and making a better person out of them. Below is the details for “scholarship for convicted felons“.

Scholarships name: “Charles W. Colson scholarship”
Scholarship presenter: “”
Scholarships amount: “Not Specified”

  • Must be US Citizen,
  • Must follow Christianity,
  • Incarcerated one or more years in jail,
  • Must have high school diploma or GED,
  • Must study at Wheaton College, Illinois,

To apply and find more instructions for Charles W. Colson scholarship,
Go to “application for felon scholarships

Continue toScholarships for undocumented students”

Pepsi scholarships

The rising cost of education has really made it difficult for students to pay for their education. In such a scenario, it is essential for students to take full help of the various scholarships that are available to them. One such scholarship is the one offered by the division of Pepsi. This division of Pepsi – the Eastern Division of QTG offers students financial aid of $10,000.

The process of getting a Pepsi Scholarship is not as easy as it may seem. This is mainly because; a student in order to apply for a Pepsi Scholarship needs to pass all the qualifying criteria that are necessary to win this scholarship. The following are some of the criteria that a student needs to fulfill to qualify for the Pepsi Scholarship.

  • A minimum of 3.5 GPA score
  • A minimum of hundreds of hours dedicated to community service
  • A long effective essay explaining why the student is the right candidate to get the scholarship
  • A comprehensive list of exceptional references

The different Pepsi scholarships

There are different Pepsi Scholarships that are available for students. Some of the most common Scholarships provided by Pepsi are as follows:

  • The Mid-Del Technology Scholarship: This is for students who are from the Mid-Del Technology center and willing to join the Oklahoma University.
  • Pepsi-Cola public affairs scholarship: This Pepsi Scholarship program is available for students who prove their skills in public service and have completed 45 semester hours in Missouri University. The student applying for this scholarship should have a GPA of 3.25 or above.

This was some basic information about Pepsi Scholarship If you want to study further but don’t have funds, it is advisable that you apply for a scholarship that can help finance your education.