Scholarships for registered nurses

Registered nurse scholarships

You’ve found yourself thinking about the nursing field, but you’re not sure if it’s a stable enough job to account for those dreaded school loans. You’re now going to want to track down a few scholarships for registered nurses, but you’re not sure if there’s much out there, or even where to start looking. Nurses are the newest precious commodities in the medical industry. As that industry continues to expand with the explosion of specialized technology and government funding, the nursing career just keeps on widening the gap from what is supplied and what is demanded. If you find yourself with the desire to go into the medical field as a nurse, you should realize that there aren’t enough of you and that these corporations and organizations desperately need you. This means that not only will your salary be extremely rewarding, but also they will pay you to go to school.

Supply and Demand

Economically speaking, because your future profession is so coveted by one-seventh of the entire US economy, there are thousands of places to find free tuition money. These folks who will give you scholarships for registered nurses are wealthy medical titans who are looking for folks who want to work for them, but they realize that those people need to be properly trained with formal, state-certified degrees. In order to get you into their building, they know that they’ve got to pay part (if not all) of your way through school. With the rising cost of education, they understand that this is essential, or they are going to be severely short on help. Giving out scholarships to acquire registered nurses is becoming the only way.

The Scope Is Widening

Finding scholarships for registered nurses is becoming easier and easier. This does not mean, however, that you should spend less effort trying to track down these funds. It is important to recognize this like it is a job: apply hard work and time, and you will be rewarded for your efforts. It has been said that applying for scholarships is like an extremely lucrative job. For example, you might be working for 5 hours on a $2,000 scholarship for registered nurses. If you actually land the scholarship, you will find yourself working for $400 per hour. That sounds like time well spent.

The Opportunity of a Lifetime

This time in medical history may not repeat itself anytime soon. The money can be found at the bottom of an upswing in supply, and it appears as if we are there. Finding scholarships for registered nurses will be lucrative and will not require nearly as much effort as it would with most other professions. A simple online search will yield droves of folks just waiting to hand you their dollars and promise you a job. If you’ve got any accomplishments and even quirky skills, make sure you list them. Make sure you get involved while you’re in school, because you can even get scholarships from a large sorority or fraternity. Think outside the box on this one, because you’ll thank yourself when you reduced that school loan bill in 5 years.

An average CNA income

“Certified Nursing Assistant Income In All States”

The career of a Certified Nursing Assistant is a rewarding one. The growth potential is good and the career prospects are bright. There are many men and women who are joining the profession on a regular basis. There are unlimited vacancies in the healthcare sector for the simple reason that there is an acute shortage of certified nursing assistants in the nation. The income and salary of these nurses are lucrative and this is the reason why the nursing profession is currently one of the most widely sought after professions in the nation today.

As per the estimations that have been projected by the Labor Bureau it is anticipated that the jobs in the nursing sector is likely to grow by 19% by 2018. This indicates that the health care sector is one of the fastest growing job sectors in the nation when compared to the other service sectors in the United States Of America.

The salary of the certified nursing assistant differs from one state to another in the USA. There are certain factors that influence the salary that is earned and they include the years of experience, the location, the nature of responsibilities handled and more. The following is a list of the approximate certified nursing assistant income (gross per annul) in all states of the USA:

Georgia-$ 30,000





New Hampshire- $31,000
New Jersey-$30,000
New Mexico-$26,000
New York-$36,000

North Carolina-$28,000
North Dakota-$29,000

Rhode Island-$31,000
South Carolina-$27,000

South Dakota-$26,000

West Virginia-$32,000


The above is an approximate amount of the salary that could be earned by a certified nursing assistant. It should be noted that the income earned is not limited to the salary alone. There are other various benefits that can be earned like a paid vacation, pension plans after retirement, health care insurance, traveling expenses, boarding and much more. This is the reason why there are many nursing aspirants to join the healthcare industry and medical sector in the nation.

In order to become a certified nursing assistant the candidate requires completing the CNA certification that provides him/her with job opportunities in different and numerous health- care units all over the state. After this certification the candidate gets the chance to work in many mental care units, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, adult care centers and long term facilities all over the nation.

Recent statistics have revealed that as per the state and the federal predictions for the nation the largest number of nursing employment growth in the future years will be in the medical and the health care sector. As mentioned above the entire nation is reeling under the shortage of professional nursing staff and this is the reason why the job and the income opportunities in the health care industry will be the highest and the brightest.

Continue to “Types of nursing careers and salaries”

Male nurses in London, UK

Male Nurse Statistics In London

Today a significant number of male nurses are working in various hospitals in London. According to latest research figures it is evaluated that more than one out of ten nurses are male nurses now, as compared to one in a hundred of the earliest days of NHS which was apparently more than 50 years ago.

However it is also expected that the male nurse statistics in London will improve over the next decade, as more number of men are choosing the male nursing profession which is generally or traditionally seen as a preserve right by women.

A proper research done by the Nursing and Midwifery Council has discovered an important fact where it shows among 65,755 registered nurses 10.21% is representing the male nurse out of the entire workforce. Even in among the student nurses, the male nurse student ratio is much greater then female nurse student as it already shows the record that fourteen per cent of students on training courses are men.

To get a better picture of male nurse statistics in London, one can refer to the general statistic shown by the NMC which says most of the male nurses are on their register work of either as general nurses or mental health nurses.

The latest figures show the fact that the average age of nurses is rising day by day. However despite of many supportive reasons, it is also very true that in London, the number of men entering into the nursing profession has hardly grown in recent years. There are only about 93 male nurses currently practicing and only 340 men are as health visiting officers and about 15% nurses are male, which might also rise in coming years.

Demand for neonatal nurses

Why there is a demand for neonatal nurses?

The health care industry involves various types of nurses such as registered nurse, practitioner nurse, and licensed nurse and so on. Another category of nurse that is involved in health care industry is the neonatal nurse practitioner. This category of nurse lies at the top-most level. This is mainly because of the duties that a neonatal nurse conducts. The main job of the neonatal nurse is to care for patients that are critically ill and look after the premature infants. The nurses in this category undergo a special kind of training that makes them a professional in dealing with such kind of situations. Overtime, there has been a lot of demand for neonatal nurses in the recent past in the United States. This demand for this category is mostly due to the following reasons.

  • Not many apply for neonatal nurse: One of the major factors responsible for huge demand for neonatal nurses is that the number of people who wish to apply for this category of nurse is quite low. The major reason for this is difficult processes that are involved in obtaining the license for the neonatal nurse practitioner. This has also led to a lack of supply of neonatal nurses especially when there is huge demand for them from the public in the US.
  • Increased birth survival rate of premature babies: It is reported that as many as forty thousand premature babies are born every year alone in the United States. Furthermore, studies also indicate that due to the specialized training provided to the neonatal nurses they are able to provide proper care to the premature babies. This in turn has increased the survivability rates of infants largely. To continue this trend, there is a need for more and more neonatal nurses, who can provide the much needed care for the premature babies and fill up the shortage of the neonatal nurses.

All these factors mentioned-above contribute greatly towards the demand of the neonatal nurse practitioners.

Nursing education loan repayment program

You May Be Eligible To Have Your Nursing Student Loan Paid Off

Overwhelmed by nursing student loans? You may be eligible for help paying your loan off. If you are a United States citizen, with an associate’s degree, or bachelors degree in nursing, you may qualify for a government sponsored nursing student loan payoff assistance program.

The federal Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program was formed to encourage students to select education in nursing, because of the shortage of nurses in the U.S. This program works with the graduate once they receive employment in nursing at a qualified not for profit health facility, to help them pay off their student loans.

This program is for nurses who have chosen to work for an eligible not for profit health agencies, or a school of nursing as a faculty member. You must have completed your training and be licensed to practice nursing. You will have to commit to two years of full time work, of at least 32 hours per week. In exchange for your commitment to work for the non-profit health agency, you will receive payment for 60% of your qualifying student loan. If you work an additional third year, at the same or another qualifying agency, you may receive another 25% payment towards your remaining balance.

You will also receive whatever benefits and salary the health facility has agreed to pay. Your student loan is paid for on top of whatever you earn at the non-profit health facility.

Here is a list of some of the types of eligible non-profit health facilities:

  • Nursing Homes
  • Rural Health Clinics
  • Home Health Agencies
  • Hospice Programs
  • Native Hawaiian Health Centers
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • Ambulatory Surgical Centers
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers
  • Indian Health Service Health Centers
  • Local or State Public Health or Human Services Department

Preference is given to those whose total base annual salary is less than 40% of their qualifying student loan. Nurses who select to work in facilities with severe nurse shortages, will also receive preferred funding. Eligibility requires that your education was earned from an accredited nursing school located in the Unites States.

You should read the Program and Application Guidance document before you apply. You can only apply once a year, so it is important that you read the instructions carefully so that you turn in an accurate application. The guide is updated annually, so always get a new copy before applying again.

If selected you will have to sign a contract that you will fulfill your two year obligation, at the facility listed in your application. Failure to fulfill your obligation, may result in serious financial penalties. You next step should be to obtain a copy of the Nurse Education Loan Repayment Program, Program and Application Guidance document. Everything you need to know and do to apply for the funding program will be explained in it.

Free continuing education for nurses

The key to becoming the best at any profession is to continue to grow and with free continuing education for nurses, it is possible. No matter who you are or what you do making sure you never stop learning is a key to a great life. One way for nurses to do this is though continuing education.

Nursing as with any profession requires a never ending educational process, but it is not always convenient to take classes at the local community college, or even an online university, sometimes you just need free continuing education for nurses.

But where do you find free continuing education for nurses and how do you apply. While some employers provide continuing education for their nurses, sometimes you just want more and free continuing education for nurses is what you are looking for.

Where do you find the continuing education opportunities? Begin with a search and you will find many websites that offer free continuing education for nurses online. There are websites that provide links to many different organizations that have such offerings. Then you click the link of the free continuing education for nurse’s topic you like and you will be sent to the organizations website.

Next you follow the directions for each web site on how to register and how to attend the free continuing education for nurses, and now you are improving your knowledge on that subject.

There can be no better feeling than knowing you are improving your knowledge on many subjects that concern nurses today. There certainly also no better feeling than knowing you continued your education for free, and it was not difficult, it was actually very easy.

There is no need to worry about free continuing education for nurses, because no matter what kind of training you are looking for or need, these websites make it easy to find, and easy to register. There is no need to ask how do you find free continuing education for nurses; there is no need to ask how do I register?

These easy to use websites make the process of finding free continuing education for nurses as simple as a couple of clicks on your mouse. Free, easy, and everything else you want and need when it comes to free continuing education for nurses, what else could you ask for?

Finding free continuing education for nurses could not be easier that it is today, so sign up and start to continue you education.

Nursing shortage in texas

Why There Is A Nursing Shortage In Texas

If you have decided to become a health care professional, such as a nurse, you may wonder why there is a nursing shortage in Texas, or anywhere else. There are many answers to this question, and these answers are as diverse and varied as the population of this great state.

To begin the exploration of why there is a nursing shortage in Texas, you must first understand that Texas is big, and the different areas of Texas vary greatly. There are areas where there are about five people per square mile and there are areas that are very densely populated. There are boarder areas that it may seem more like you live in Mexico rather than the US where not many people want to live, and there are areas that everyone wants to live in.

Average age limits for Americans are now 75 years. This average age has been increased 5 more years than last 10 years. So lots of retired aged people are living longer and they require more  nurses aides for their daily routine. The other issue to look at as it pertains to why there is a nursing shortage in Texas is the different types of facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, doctor’s offices, all have different demands because not everyone wants to work in the different places.

The answer to why there is a nursing shortage in Texas really comes down to what a nurse is looking for. If a nurse wants to move to the Dallas Fort Worth area and work in a high demand hospital, there may not seem like there is a nursing shortage.

However if a nurse travels to a more rural or border area, there may not be enough nurses to give basic shift coverage. The least desirable areas are always going to have a harder time staying fully staffed, and this is why there is a nursing shortage in Texas.

If a nurse wants to easily get employment, these less desirable areas are why there is a nursing shortage in Texas, and a nurse can become part of the solution to the nursing shortage. If a nurse wants to live and work in a place where everyone wants to be then it will be somewhat harder to find employment and no shortage will seem apparent.

Why is there a nursing shortage in Texas? It depends on where you go, and where you want to work. The answer is simple, the nursing shortage is in the places people may not find the most desirable.

So decide if you would like to be a part of the solution to why there is a nursing shortage in Texas, and then do something about it.