Male Nurse China Statistics
In China the male nurse occupation statistics have been always emerged in a very strange way. Although there are several advertisements in china which supports or claims that, the male nurse occupation is always in demand. According to the records there are many well-trained male nurses searching out for male nursing job, whereas there are also information that the existing male nurse of China are trying to change their present job of male nursing. Country’s few fast-developing big provinces, like Shanghai and Guangzhou along with under developed states has reportedly shown the scarcity of male nurses, hence it is presumed somehow that statistics for male nurses in China is relatively low.
According to the general view point of people of China it is mostly believed that nursing is a women’s job. This belief has affected male nurse China statistics in a negative way, as since generation it is considered that women are more careful and tolerant than men, and as nurses they very well take care of patients, providing every necessary thing to a patient.
However there are also some contrary points which support the need male nurses as they are better for emergency departments or more factors as compared to the female nurses. Reportedly, many hospitals still claim the scarcity of males in various nursing specialties which supports the recruitment difficulty.
How many Registered Nurses in China?
There are approx 1.3 million registered nurses in China, yet the figure for male nurses is not specified. However, in the year of 2003 Shanghai had 40 males nurse out of 37,000 registered nurses, hence it can be estimated that there has been a relative growth in the recent years.
View Global nursing shortage here.