Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

Know more about Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)

A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) is a specialized advance practice nurse who has the qualification to inject anesthesia in a patient’s body. The demand for these nurses is very high. To be a qualified CRNA you must be a licensed registered nurse. A Bachelors degree in Science is also necessary. After qualifying for this field it is vital to gain as much experience as possible of working in an intensive care. Working with critical patients adds to the experience that will be further needed to operate as an advanced practice nurse giving anesthesia.

Anesthesia is provided to patients who are in extreme pain and need to under go an operation. A CRNA has the knowledge to give anesthesia in a safe dose. These professionals remain by their patient’s side throughout the operation to monitor and adjust the patient’s bodily functions. Their aim is to complete the operation with minimum distress to the patient.

After enrolling into a graduate course for nursing anesthesia it is only a matter of two to three years to complete the program. While studying for the exams it is essential to continue working as a nurse in a hospital treating critical patients to gain experience. This experience will give you an edge over others once your advanced degree is finished. Once completing the program you must sit for a national certification test which is given by the National Board on Certification and Re-certification of Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA). After successfully completing this test you can start working as a certified registered nurse anesthetist in any nursing home.

The average certified registered nurse anesthetist salary is more than $160,000 per annual.

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School Nurse

Job Description Of A School Nurse

A school nurse is employed by school to endorse healthy living in school children and also help them with them with their medical problems in every day life. It is the responsibility of a school nurse to deal with the health issues of any member of a school community. It comes under her job profile to offer health advice to each student and keep their medical records confidential. A school nurse often has to deal with young students who are going through mental stress. She has to provide proper guidance and aid to such students. Apart from this, she has to be well trained in providing first aid as school students often face injuries when playing. Providing advice for staff and parents on childcare and how to tackle infections and other problems is also a major part of job description of the school nurse.

These days school nurses are asked to pay more attention to the adolescents. It can be often seen that teenagers that fall pray to teenage pregnancy and drug addiction. Many children suffer from obesity and mental stress and school nurses are there to advise best diet plans for those children.

It is essential to be a registered nurse to be employed by any educational organization. It is must to have a bachelor, associate or certification degree from any reputed nursing home. There are various exams one can take to get a license and certificate for nurses and which make them qualified for a nursing job in a school.

school nurse salary

Occupational Health Nurse, Industrial Health Nurse

An Overview Into The Duties Of The Industrial Health Nurse: Occupational Health Nurse or Industrial Health Nurse

The industrial health nurse is a medical professional generally work at specific work sites and they have the main responsibility to prevent disease and promote good health. They need to assist in surgery or medical treatment, administer medicines, record the symptoms of patients and work directly with them. The industrial health nurse is a registered nurse who carries out medical treatments and assists in bedside care. The nurse is the person that works in specialized departments like emergency, surgery, maternity and pediatrics. These nurses also work in administrative departments and they have the responsibility of over seeing the nursing stations. They are helpful in providing useful information about the community and they also help in rendering awareness about healthy lifestyles.

The industrial health nurse is also a medical professional who works within the community to provide advice to individuals and families. These nurses are also entrusted with the responsibility of conducting health care examinations also. They prepare accident reports for all the employees that work in the workstation. They also render emergency assistance and give information on diets, immunizations, preventive care and childcare advice to the public on a regular basis so that the society is benefited. They also carry out the medical treatment as and when required. These nurses are an integral part of the place where they work in as well as the society. They are responsible and specialized medical professionals in the medical and health care sector and they play a vital role in the treatment of all the patients under them.

The annual median occupational health nurse salary or industrial health nurse salary can go up to $65,903. The occupational health nurse certification is granted by The American Board For Occupational Nurses. Visit ABOHN today http://www.abohn.org/.

Medical surgical nurse

Know More On Hospital Staff Nurse Unit Specialties: Medical Surgical Nurse

The medical surgical nurse is a medical professional that works in the operating rooms along surgeons and the other health care professionals in the medical surgical team. This type of nurse is one that is a registered nurse who is specifically trained to cater and care for patients who are about to undergo a surgery. They have advanced knowledge and skills to aid and assist the surgical procedure. They are the ones who tend to provide support and care to the patient before the surgery and they have specialized degrees in the related fields. They have the required and special skills that are needed in the surgical operating rooms. The medical surgical nurse is one that requires being familiar with the medical history of the patient and at the same time monitoring all the vital signs of the patient. The nurse also requires looking after the needs of the patient when the anesthetic administered on the patient wears off.

The medical surgical nurse is one that also is the line of communication between the members of the surgical team and the family of the patient when the surgery is carried out. Professionals in the medical surgical field are those professionals who are strong and are aware of the details of the surgery. They are highly banked upon by the doctor and the other members of the medical team that is conducting the surgery on the patient. The profession is a very challenging one and it is regarded to be an honorable one too.

Medical surgical nurse salary average is $49,000 according to Labor Department.

How To Deal Female Patients By Male Nurse

Male nurse have subsisted for several years although this line of work has been always dominated mostly by females. Because the profession of nursing deals with intense care providing which mostly related with health as well as personal concern services and thus women are most suitable to this profession. Even the men are well appreciated in care-providing category but they are mostly seen facing issues in this field for various reason. It has also seen in most cases that patients as well as the associate hospital members have generated issues in various different related reasons to nursing assistants or care givers with the male nurses. In various cases male nurses are also trained to learn the suitable way to deal the female patients specially.

Here Are Some Issues Discussed Which Generally Comes In Between Female Patients And Male Nurse

Male nurse dealing with female patients could be a bit critical circumstances sometime. Many a times there always can be always few female patients who habitually find themselves into uncomfortable circumstances with male nurses. These are also frequent case considered and seen in between male nurses and nursing assistants. Hospitals are always considered for its skilled nursing services and have preferred patient dignity (specially female and old patient) to be taken as high priority. In many different cases, home health or the private caregiver agencies do not usually appoints the male nurse or staffs to care female patients.

The male health caring staffs stays extra cautious in whatever they say and do exactly. Very unfortunately, many issues have always risen related to molestation or sexual harassment or rapes. The Health care staffs generally take every necessary attempt to ensure the backgrounds carefully so as to be sure that the employees appointed in the hospitals are clean and doesn’t have any criminal records. Along with this, the behavior or character is something which is impossible to judge completely. Although the male nurse unlike all the medical staff, accept sensitivity guidance which compromises issues like patient dignity and unsuitable behavior with both patients and any staff members (especially female).

Nursing includes social Interaction and bonding with people. As it is that nursing care teams include generally female, male nurse or staff members can also have hard time fitting in. many a times it has also seen that a female supervisors have shown good results in terms of rendering their service. The patients relate better with the female nurse because they ensures more support and understanding as compared to male nurse.

There are various several cases seen where a female patient have failed to express her illness to a male nurse. Even a male has although trained and graduated learning things, many a times it happens that a male nurse ignore some minute detail about a female patient and thus the male nurse are not at all recommended in case of dealing with any female nurse. This situation can be same with all female patient no matter what their age is, thus the idea has evolved that male nurses are not very suitable dealing with female patient and vice-versa.

Hospice Nurse

The hospice nurse is a medical professional that has many duties that are assigned to her and one of the main responsibilities of the patient is that she needs to take care of the patient and foster a long lasting and trusting relationship with the patient. This nurse is one that is a registered nurse and needs to work independently. The nurse is a direct connection between the nurse and the doctor. The main responsibility of the hospice nurse is that he/she needs to be aware and keep track of all the details of the patient. It is the primary duty of the patient to assess the condition of the patient and ensure that the treatment is conducted in a compassionate and humane manner. They are the medical professionals who tend to spend the last minutes with the patient. This nurse is the first one who looks after the patient in his/her last stages.

There is another responsibility of this nurse and that is he/she takes the patient and explains the essence of hospice to the caregivers who also look after the patient. This nurse also chalks out the treatment plan and ensures that all the caregivers abide by the treatment plan that has been devised for the patient.

Certification is granted by The National Board for Certification of Hospice and Palliative Nurses and the hospice nurse earns about $25.51 to $33.19 per hour approximately. Hospice nurse also supervises and monitors the patient along with the caregivers that are taking care of him/her. This nurse is one that is a specialist in the field of hospice and they are greatly banked upon in the medical and the health care profession.

Male nursing vs female nursing

In today’s career boards, nursing is still greatly occupied by female professionals, the result of a century’s worth of this field being cemented as a “feminine” career option. This strong social expectation presents challenges to the minority of male nurses who are faced with strong stereotyping and consequent specialization orientation. These factors create gaps in the understanding of the male nurse vs female nurse both from patients and hospital teams that has piqued several studies’ interest.

Historically however, professional nursing was mostly undertaken by men, firstly through mendicant religious orders accompanying the crusades, and later on with medical teams in wars, were taking teams composed by women was unthinkable at the time. The shift towards a female dominated nursing came at the turn of the 19th century through the work of Florence Nightingale, who maintained the idea, consistent with Victorian family values of the era, that women were naturally caring and nurturing, and therefore intrinsically fit for the nursing profession, not even needing education before apprenticeship with medical teams. The nursing associations formed at this time were all female, and the American nursing Association excludes male members up until the 1930’s.

This is the mindset which still prevails today, nursing as female dominated profession. In our society, the values mostly associated with this career, nurturing, intimate care and dependency relationships are still closely associated with female gender stereotypes, while men are seen to fit in more aggressive, dominant roles, hard to reconcile with this sort of medical assistance. However, the increasing flexibility brought by an increasing comfort with personal choices not encumbered by social gender molds has made it possible for many men to consider this career, greatly aided by the increasing reputation of nursing, and the higher pay offered for a job in great demand.

Even with this increase, the number of males in the nursing profession is still within a small percentage, and men are still very much faced with a certain level of stereotyping and discomfort from different sectors. Studies show that overall, they are well received by their female peers, who welcome their different skills. When it comes to society at large however, the pressure of stereotypes that frequently try to tag male nurses with homosexuality to make sense of their “feminine” jobs can be felt harshly.

Patients however, being on the receiving end of nurse care, have their own particular reactions to the introduction of males to this career, often expressing reluctance in seeing intimate care provided by men. In many hospitals, male nurses are barred from tasking within ob-gyn wards, with the argument their presence would increase discomfort for patients, and receiving the counter argument that this unfairly implies a lesser level of professionalism from male nurses when compared to male doctors, who are a common staple in these care specializations.

This adjustment effort has mostly lead to a more accentuated specialization within male nurses. To a great extent, male dominated medical teams steer their own gender’s nurses toward types of care that are easier to reconcile with the traditional gender role. Task oriented specializations like the ER, psychiatric wards and anesthesiology don’t imply the level of intimate care that seems to be the core cause of discomfort from patients and the medical organization.